Reservoir Characterization Analysis
The process of carrying out petrophysical analysis produces data that are very necessary for the identification and manufacture of reservoir models and estimation of hydrocarbon reserves. The resulting data is a petrophysical analysis of logging interpretation; interpretation is done by reading and comparing logging response. In this study, the determination of porosity, permeability and water saturation will be carried out [1]. After that, log data analysis was performed using the results data from well logging in the form of recording physical parameters of the depth which aims to obtain petrophysical parameters [2]. To obtain a valid analysis result, the results of the hydrocarbon zone analysis using log data are validated with core data using RCAL (core analysis laboratory routine) [3]. Cores can also be called core samples are parts of material or substances taken from the wellbore.
Core samples are the most trusted source of information because they directly take samples on drilled well rock. This causes the wells which are carried out by core data analysis to become reference wells as quality control from the results of interpretation and petrophysical calculations for other wells to be drilled around the reference drill. Core data itself is data generated from sample core analyzed in the laboratory in the form of physical parameters of rock [3]. Interpretation is done with log data and core
data to obtain the physical parameters of the formation needed so that it can be ascertained the exact range of petrophysical parameters such as permeability, porosity, water saturation, reservoir zone spread and the making of ELAN models from the interpretations made.