Special Technical Studies
Wealth of expertise in all aspects of oil and gas evaluation is frequently called upon by legal representatives and organizations to provide "expert witness" testimony for the Provincial and federal regulators, PSA/ agreements with authorities, Securities commissions and Litigation support .
High level governmental and authorities meeting and communications.
We are open to evaluate assets and opportunities globally and to provide all expertise's with high calibre technical and managerial experiences.
Technical studies
provides geological and geophysical services for domestic and international projects, including:
Interpretations and mapping of conventional and unconventional reservoirs
Reservoir characterization and Petrophysical studies
Unproven acreage appraisals
Exploration prospect and portfolio evaluation
Geophysical reviews and interpretation auditing
Basin and regional studies for hydrocarbon potential
We also have extensive technical experience in the following areas:
Reservoir simulation
Material balance studies
Enhanced recovery analysis
Production test analysis
Regional studies of upstream supply potential for mid-stream and downstream decision making
Exploration prospect and portfolio assessments
Basin and regional studies for hydrocarbon potential
Geophysical reviews and interpretation auditing